The importance of compliance
The term “compliance” refers to rules and guidelines that aim to ensure a company and its employees comply with existing conditions and laws. The main focus of compliance is on enabling and creating fair competition, and on preventing and eliminating corruption
Compliance is a key element of the PHOENIX group’s and Brocacef Groep's corporate culture and is derived from our fundamental corporate values. Responsible and compliant actions are central to the success of our company. Alongside the social responsibility we bear as a healthcare provider, respectful cooperation is also crucial to a trusting relationship with our customers, business partners and stakeholders.
Within the PHOENIX group and Brocacef Groep, compliance is based on multiple substantive pillars:
Our policies set, in concrete terms, our company’s belief that corruption, anti-competitiveness and misconduct have no place within the PHOENIX group and Brocacef Groep or in our cooperation with customers and business partners. Violations are not tolerated. Appropriate investigations are conducted and penalties imposed if necessary.
A group-wide compliance organisation ensures that the rules are enforced and monitored throughout the group. In addition, local Compliance Managers are responsible for compliance in the individual countries.
Case reporting system
The system is operated by an external service provider. Your identity as the whistleblower can therefore not be traced unless you expressly agree to provide this information.
You can access the whistle-blower system at any time through this link.
The Brocacef Groep Whistleblowers Regulation describes the manner of reporting a suspicion of an irregularity or an irregularity and the handling of such reports by Brocacef Groep. More information about our Whistleblowers Regulation can be found here:
For more information, please contact Mr. Martijn Boot (compliance/general counsel)
Compliance certification
External auditors have reviewed PHOENIX’s Compliance Management System and certified the appropriateness of the Compliance Management System.
The PHOENIX group has had the appropriateness of its Compliance Management System externally audited with the pillars Anti-Corruption, Competition Compliance, Sanctions & Embargoes Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering according to Assurance Standard 980 of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW PS 980). The Appropriateness Certification was granted as of 31.01.2024. This enables us to ensure that we systematically counteract risks and have established effective processes. You can read more about the standard in this link: About the IDW.
Human Rights Policy
As a leading player in the European healthcare sector, the PHOENIX group is committed to respecting and promoting human rights within its organization, operations, and supply chain. The PHOENIX group adheres to internationally recognized standards such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Fundamental Principles of the International Labor Organization.
Control and areas of focus
To manage potential risks, PHOENIX has developed a system to identify, prevent, mitigate, or stop risks and potential violations of human rights or the environment within its organization and supply chain. In addition, various areas of action have been identified within the PHOENIX group that may be relevant within its value chain. Examples of such areas of action are:
- Discrimination and equal opportunities.
- Safe and healthy working conditions.
- Freedom of association and assembly.
- Child labour, modern slavery and forced labour.
- Fair working conditions.
- Supporting people with a migrant background
Preventive and corrective measures
The PHOENIX group itself takes measures such as sending self-assessment questionnaires to business partners, raising awareness and training employees on human rights issues, and offering a confidential reporting system for human rights risks or violations. The organization reports annually on its human rights challenges and progress in its sustainability report and other publications. It also regularly reviews and updates its policy statement and risk management system to adapt to changing circumstances.
Tax strategy Brocacef Group
The business objective of the Brocacef Group is to become the number one care partner of choice. Based on this objective the Brocacef Group’s tax strategy as determined by the Board is to:
1. sustainably optimise tax payments whilst complying with applicable tax laws and regulations;
The Group will seek to reduce its tax liabilities, claiming available deductions, exemptions, incentives and reliefs where it is beneficial and appropriate to do so and to the extent that is allowed by tax laws and regulations.
2. keep it simple by limiting tax planning and structuring to minimizing the tax cost of genuine commercial transactions;
The Group endorses the principle that the tax obligations of an enterprise follow from its actual business activities (‘tax follows business’). This means that the Group organizes its group structure and activities in accordance with the business motives.
3. minimise uncertainty in relation to our tax affairs by proactively identifying and addressing potential tax issues;
By working in a transparent and collaborative way with tax authorities the Group aims to disclose and resolve uncertain tax positions as well as to achieve early agreement and certainty where tax law is complex or unclear.
4. take a responsible approach to managing our tax affairs by fulfilling our obligations in due time and due quality;
The Group recognizes that its contribution to the economy through the payments of taxes is important and significant and will therefore handle her obligations timely and in good quality.